These are solid 3 or 4 coin Ramsay Stacks
Half Dollar size:
3 Coin - $110
4 Coin - $140
3 Coin - $135
4 Coin - $175
Dollar Size:
3 Coin - $300
4 Coin - $350
*** As of May 2023, our supply of Soft Morgans has been exhausted. Until we can secure a suitable stock of raw Soft Morgans, all Soft Morgan gaffs are unavailable. However, an order may be placed if the customer provides the coins - for which there will be a $35 discount per coin needed. Please contact if you're wanting to place an order where you provide the Soft Morgans. Otherwise, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have it rectified ASAP. ***
*Ramsay Stacks are made to order - please note one extra week is needed on top of our current turnaround time.
*All Ramsay Stacks sales are final - no returns or exchanges will be accepted.
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